适合销售的食品种类Food Category:
any category unless currently have in the food court
301 Upper Thomson Rd, #01-106
顶让费 Takeover Fee:
商场人流较多,消费水平较高,楼上是NTUC 精品超市,食阁门口正对停车场通往商场的滚梯;商场门口即地铁站
Crowded place with medium to high human traffic flow, people of high consumption; upstairs is FairPrice Finest and the escalator from parking lot entering to the Mall just in front of the food court;MRT Station at doorside of the Mall
The Coffee Shop serve variety food like Mala Hotpot, Chicken Rice, Li Xin Fishball Noodles, Western Food, Popiah, Janpanese& Korean, Lei Cha、 Ayam Penyet
Owner letting go due to backing to China.
Any interested, kindly call or WhatsApp 有兴趣可联系 86557158