SGH 中央医院 new building NCCS food court stall for lease

总浏览量: 1390
, 30 Hospital Boulevard Singapore 168583

Singapore General Hospital (SGH) new building NCCS (National Cancer Center Singapore) food court stall for lease. Building is right next to Outram MRT Station and opposite One Pearl Bank condo. This food court is situated at the crossing path between Outram MRT station and SGH main buildings so most people who uses MRT to reach SGH will have to pass by our food court. Food court will be ready for business in late March2025. NCCS itself is a medical building with 24 storey in height and everyday several thousands people worked or take treatment there. It will be an extremely busy food court due to its super prime location. Please call whatsapp Manager in charge Mr Ong for viewing and discussion 97306354。Direct from operator Foodgle Group.

中央医院新楼国家癌症中心唯一食阁招租档口. 癌症中心就在欧南园地铁站正旁边。我们的食阁处在地铁站到中央医院其他楼的必经之处。食阁将在2025年三月底开业。用餐人潮肯定汹涌。请尽快联系王经理:97306354



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