Looking for: Western Food, Fish Soup, Fishball Noodle, Prawn Noodle, Wanton Noodle, Malay food, Indian food, Ba Kut Teh, Vegetarian and more
Prefer experienced stall owners
Big and spacious food court in good location
Near bus stop
Facing Main Road
Carpark behind food court
Many tables and chairs
Huge seating areas
Good mix of stalls
Vendor many years in operation
Interested party please look for Ms Tay HP: 97965100 or Mr Li Ji HP : 9118 8399
可以卖西餐, 马来餐, 印度餐, 鱼丸面, 虾面, 云吞面, 鱼汤, 肉骨茶, 素食, 更多
有兴趣请联系 Ms Tay HP: 97965100 or Mr Li Ji HP : 9118 8399