Make Yourself Profitable With This Nasi Padang Stall in Bukit Panjang

Total visit: 683
, Gangsa Road
Make Yourself Profitable With This Nasi Padang Stall in Bukit Panjang
In Operation


This listing is for the takeover of a fully equipped nasi padang stall in Bukit Panjang. The location is excellent with a good stream of customers (morning and lunch crowd). This is mainly because it is the only nasi padang stall within a big cluster of blocks, there is a school across the road, and it is located along a main road.

The current tenants have almost two decades of experience and are retiring due to old age. They would prefer serious business owners who can keep the momentum going as they have built a regular customer base. The stall is open for takeover after July 2021 and the fee is negotiable. For more information, kindly contact 91276026.

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