没有中介直对业主多个摊位出租 红山乌美等 Few stalls for rent - Jalan Bukit Merah and Ubi area

Rental on Request
Total visit: 1390
, Jalan Bukit Merah and Ubi
In Operation

档口出租 stalls for Rent
146 jalan bukit merah
71 Ubi Crescent
No.16 Jalan kilang Timor

1) Roasted Duck / Chicken Rice / etc 鸡饭、烧腊,等等都可以,现有部分厨房电器 ($3.9k+-) - AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY
NO AGENT. This stall equipped with some kitchen equipment. Good location with crowded from morning to to lunch, surrounding Residential, Office 直接对咖啡店业主,周围住家,和办公楼,午餐人潮多,欢迎联系经理 98231118 直接面谈。
RENTAL $2000-3000

2) MALA Xiang Guo / Yong Tao Foo / Carrot Cake / western food / korean japanese food all welcome ($2,500+-) AVAILABLE OCT 2023
周围住家,医院,和办公楼,全天都有人潮,6am - 11pm 咖啡店全年无休息。麻辣香锅,中国餐,点心,酿豆腐,韩国餐日本餐等等,可安排面谈,只要与现有摊位不冲突的都欢迎,联系经理98231118 直接详谈。Looking for Malay food, Korea, Western, Japanese all kind of food which is not conflicted with existing tenants! Call 9823 1118 to arrange viewing or enquire more details.

RENTAL Half stall $2500-2800
Full stall 4000-4500

3) jalan kilang timor
Indian stall, mala xiangguo, all welcome, can also contact supervisor manager 9823 1118 to arrange what you want to sell. She will attend to you shortly.
还有其他摊位出租 欢迎联系9823 1118 致电查询!

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