Ngee Ann Poly main entrance front food court stall for lease

Rental on Request
Total visit: 795
, 535 Clementi Road Singapore 599489
In Operation

Foodgle @ Munch food court is at the main entrance of Ngee Ann Poly, always crowded. Aircon food court over 10,000 sqf but with only eight food stalls. Rare food stall for lease! Under Foodgle Group you will be well taken care of to ensure long term profitability. Suitable for all kinds of noodle dishes, economy rice, Miniwok or Thai/Vietnam cuisine. The food court is resided at first floor near the main entrance under a buildings with lecture halls, classrooms, offices for staff etc. Next to Clementi road for easy access. Low rental due to Poly's contract (Foodgle cannot charge more). Lease directly with Foodgle Group with no Takeover fees etc.

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