Sembawang food stall to let. MR license

Rental on Request
Total visit: 32
, 334 Sembawang Close Singapore 750334
Sembawang food stall to let. MR license
New Stall

Food stall for rent @ 334A Sembawang Close, S 750334. Newly renovated. Along main road. Highly visible.
Suitable for Malay, Japanese food, fishball noodle, yong tau fu, fish soup etc.
Kueh, Rojak, Popiah kiosk available at this outlet too.

Other locations to let at
848 Yishun St 81
61 Woodlands Ind Park E9 (promotional rental $2100)
286E Toh Guan Rd

Please contact Goh ☎️ 87280606 for more information. Tq

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