Nstory Pte Ltd

Address: , 70 Shenton Way, EON Shenton, #13-04 Singapore 079118
Product & Service: Equipment
Nstory Pte Ltd

Nstory’s journey began as a software development company in 2012. In the short span of a few years, we have grown to become a member of Restaurant Association of Singapore (RAS), specializing in F&B technology. Our mission here at Nstory is to help local restaurants and businesses make use of technology to boost and grow their business.

Our solutions include a reliable Point-of-Sale system running our proprietary software NPOS, QR Code Ordering, Digital Menu Ordering, Online Ordering, Kitchen Number Display, plus many more in the pipeline. Our solutions work with or without an internet connection and are suitable for a wide range of businesses such as restaurants, cafes, hawker stalls, salons, massage parlours and also retail outlets.

We pride ourselves on a business model that combines functional solutions with a competitive pricing model and customer care service our clients can fully trust. We can be contacted at 9786 2587 or sales@nstory.me.

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